Domain Name Leasing Lease a Domain Name

Domain Name Availability
A domain name is the unique name of the virtual location for your web site. This name is translated to an IP address, a number consisting of four elements of up to three digits each that are separated by periods that defines all locations on the internet and in this case will allow users to view your web site. Having your own domain name instead of putting your web site on your internet access ISP, (internet service provider), servers, gives you extra flexibility to change your access ISPs without distirbing your web site and allows you to have a meaningful name in you web address as well as assign your own email addresses. Of course you have to arrange for an ISP to host your domain name, i.e. web site, in order for this all to work.
The domain hosting service we use will supply a free domain name with a domain hosting package decribed on another page on the web site. However if you want to buy a domain name and just park it, to reserve the domain name or use it a alias or pointer to another web address, it will cost a much smaller fee per year, (see our domain hosting packages page). In either case the domian name must be unassigned and available for you to "lease" it for a specific numbers of years. Renewal for additional years is a relatively simple process.
The domain name extentions that are available through our service provider are: ".com", ".net", ".org", ".biz", ".info" and ".us". Your domain name may be a single word, or two or more names run together possibly seperated by hyphens. The more creative you are the more likely the name will be available.

Click here to see if your desired domain name is available.

Pink Fields = Required Information

Domain Name & Hosting Package Order Request

. I'm using this form to purchase a Domain Name that I wish to "park" and have visitors....
forwarded to the following URL:

I'm using this form to purchase a web hosting package that includes a free domain name.

I've used the link above to check the availability of my desired Domain Name.
This Domain Name is:

..... First Name : . Last Name : ...
.. Address : ....
.. City : ........... .. State : ..................
Zip: .............. (Format = xxxxx or xxxxx-xxxx) ............

Home Telephone Number: (Format = nnn-nnn-nnnn) ..
Work Telephone Number: (Format = nnn-nnn-nnnn) ..
Cell - Telephone Number: (Format = nnn-nnn-nnnn) ..

Primany Email Address:

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Primary Email Address is entered in the space above!

Alternate Email Address:

Be sure all entries are complete and correct, then click on 'Submit Form'.

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