Driving Maps

There are 3 maps on this page to help you find the Champaign Canoeing base camp.

Map #1 - Southern NY, Western CT and Northern NJ.
- Ossining is on Route 9 in Northwestern Westchester County
and is accessable from I-87, I-84, I-684, Route 9 and 9A.

Map #2 - Greater Ossining area in Northern Westchester County.
Ossining is on Route 9, nine miles north of the NYS Thru-way at the Tappan-Zee Bridge.

Map #3 - The Brayton Park neighborhood in Northwestern Ossining.
To get to our Base Camp turn onto Beach Road, toward the Hudson River.
We're the fourth house on the right, the name 'LeClair' is under the black mailbox.
(The dark green line is Route 9)

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© Champaign Canoeing Ltd.
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